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Puppy Training Classes


The most important window for puppy socialization occurs at about 4 – 12 weeks of age.  During this time period, puppies are primed for learning that objects, people, and environments are safe, and for learning what the body cues and signals of others mean.  Puppies that do not get adequate socialization during this period have a tendency to become more fearful of unfamiliar people, dogs, sounds, objects, and environments as they age.

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of early socialization and training – we see the successes (as well as those who tell us they wish they had done it) every day!  An added bonus to attending puppy classes at your vet – your puppy will learn to associate the vet clinic with fun learning and other puppy friends so it isn’t a scary place in the future.

We are fortunate to have a certified trainer – Kristy Francis – who offers positive-reinforcement training classes here at BestFriends.

Puppy Kindergarten is for puppies 8 weeks to 18 weeks.  It is heavily focused on socialization with a few basic obedience behaviors.  There will be open play and socialization time.  Puppies will be exposed not only to other puppies and people but to new sounds and objects as well. Each class will also have a body-handling activity.  Classes are on a revolving basis, join in at any time and then attend 6 consecutive sessions.

Basic Manners is intended for puppies 5 to 18 months of age.  Skills that will be taught include sit, stay, down, walking on a leash, and recall (come).  Even if you have completed Puppy Kindergarten, we highly recommend continuing on with your training experience with your adolescent pup to get a solid base.  Classes are offered in 6-week blocks.



website:  (class registration info is on the 3rd tab – services)
phone:  763-445-9642

Kristy Francis Dog Training